Mountain View Drop-off and Pick-up Guidelines

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As many of you know, Mountain View’s (MVES) facilities have undergone a number of renovations including a new drop-off/pick-up loop.

Below are key items MVES families should be aware of as they return to school in mid August.

Parents should use the new loop located on the south side of the school to drop-off/pick-up students; accessed via Sanborn Place (see map)

  • 14th Avenue (in front of the school) will be used for bus access only. Parents should not use this area for drop-off or pick-up

NOTE: To ensure safety, Sanborn Place and 14th Avenue should no longer be used to drop-off or pick-up students. During school hours, parents can use the main entrance on 14th Avenue to visit the school.

  • Beginning at 8:10a.m., teachers and staff will be present as parents drop-off students. Teachers will also be on hand at the end of the school day
  • Students K-4 will line up in designated areas near the rear entrance of the school before and after school
  • Preschool parents should sign in students at the East doors, located off Grant St.
  • All playground equipment will be closed before the start of school and at the end of school until 3:15p.m.
  • Families can use street parking and meet students at designated class areas after school

Click here for a detailed map of Mountain View. It outlines areas designated for student drop-off and pick-up.

If you have any questions concerning the changes taking place at Mountain View or the overall logistics of dropping off and picking up your student, please contact me directly.

Mountain View Elementary School